
What is this site?

The Coerablog is my fiction workshop. I have a very big story in my head, or rather a bunch of interrelated stories, and I need a place to keep notes and pictures and timelines and works in progress. With a blog I'm online - I can work from anywhere I have a connection, and I can add an idea whenever I have it; I don't have to worry about a computer crash destroying everything (though I do need to back up the site every now and again); and I have the opportunity to share what I'm working on with everyone else.

That brings me to a refinement: the Coerablog is a glass-front workshop, like you might see in an artists' wind, or in a museum where the archeologists are dusting off bones for you to watch. It's a place for me to work, but I hope it's interesting enough for people to pop in and watch for a bit, and maybe poke around. The front page is a running blog, you might find elsewhere on Blogspot/Blogger.com, but buried in the archives is most of what I've been working on for the last 10 years of my free time.

I started this site in 2005, so everything from 2005 and on is part of the running blog; the 2004 archives are the content - the good stuff.

2004 is divided up as follows:

Don't worry if the titles and stories seem disjointed, or they don't make any sense. Just keep clicking on the "about" links over there in the right-nav. I'll explain it all.

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