
Is anybody reading this?

I'm asking more out of curiosity than a bid for attention. Is it easy to understand the point of this blog, and how it is organized? Or is it just a confusing mishmash of ideas?


The Coera Blog

The Ohida blog was originally planned as a place to collect ideas for stories, and things like that - instead it turned into a place for reviews, more than anything else. That's good, since that's what blogs are usually for: thoughts and reflections.

But the Coera Blog is dedicated to the original purpose.

One of the reasons I'd hesitated to use the Ohida blog is that I was looking for something more along the lines of a wiki - I wanted something that was organized by thought, instead of by post date, but I think I've resolved that. What I think I'll do is use the post date, which I can change, as a code to organize thoughts. Once I work that out, I'll post a table of contents on the front page.