Theogenesis: Notes - Baod
Baod (also Baod the Jealous): Baod is the greatest of the Pentiad, especially after consuming Endatish (who was later resumed, but not after losing much self to Baod).
Baod, most of all, desired to please Mehr and emulate Mehr. And Mehr was very pleased by Baod, but Baod desired more and more of Mehr’s attention, and did not receive all of it. Baod’s desire to emulate Mehr was corrupted into a desire to be Mehr, and eventually to consume Mehr, and thus replace Mehr. Mehr also desired to have a partner who was equal and outside of Mehr, and would gladly have granted this Baod, if there was any possible way to do it. Perhaps someday this will happen, and the rift between Baod and Mehr may in that way be mended.
It was Baod who created energy, though at that time it was fleeting and temporary, and not a complete mapping of spirit. It was only meant to represent Mehr, and later Baod – renderings of them in a surprising and delighting way. Energy was not mapped completely until Baod turned it as a weapon against Mehr and the other Minds. By this time, Baod desired the completeness and finality of Mehr (Mehr had displayed by this time the un-minding of some projects of the progeny). Baod extended Energy to all spirit in and effort to control all spirit, and the minds that bound the spirit. Zhen Mehr was often a companion of Baod (as Baod emulated Mehr, and Mehr was not a jealous mind), and she related to Mehr Baod’s intentions. Mehr did not stop Baod, but went further with energy to create matter. Matter was an elevation of the art of Baod, but also its stabilizer. Baod could not easily use his own energy to manipulate the energies of other Minds, as matter created a framework and system in which energy must comply.
At this time, matter consisted almost exclusively of stars, which greatly delighted all minds, including Baod, who was not given entirely to corruption and hunger at this time. Stars were the bridge between matter and energy, and were reflections of some of the greatest features of the Minds, including many of Baod’s. It can’t be said that any star represents any one quality or mind, yet the minds saw themselves in these stars, and often identified with the features of one star or another, and cherished it, and made it theirs.
Baod, most of all, desired to please Mehr and emulate Mehr. And Mehr was very pleased by Baod, but Baod desired more and more of Mehr’s attention, and did not receive all of it. Baod’s desire to emulate Mehr was corrupted into a desire to be Mehr, and eventually to consume Mehr, and thus replace Mehr. Mehr also desired to have a partner who was equal and outside of Mehr, and would gladly have granted this Baod, if there was any possible way to do it. Perhaps someday this will happen, and the rift between Baod and Mehr may in that way be mended.
It was Baod who created energy, though at that time it was fleeting and temporary, and not a complete mapping of spirit. It was only meant to represent Mehr, and later Baod – renderings of them in a surprising and delighting way. Energy was not mapped completely until Baod turned it as a weapon against Mehr and the other Minds. By this time, Baod desired the completeness and finality of Mehr (Mehr had displayed by this time the un-minding of some projects of the progeny). Baod extended Energy to all spirit in and effort to control all spirit, and the minds that bound the spirit. Zhen Mehr was often a companion of Baod (as Baod emulated Mehr, and Mehr was not a jealous mind), and she related to Mehr Baod’s intentions. Mehr did not stop Baod, but went further with energy to create matter. Matter was an elevation of the art of Baod, but also its stabilizer. Baod could not easily use his own energy to manipulate the energies of other Minds, as matter created a framework and system in which energy must comply.
At this time, matter consisted almost exclusively of stars, which greatly delighted all minds, including Baod, who was not given entirely to corruption and hunger at this time. Stars were the bridge between matter and energy, and were reflections of some of the greatest features of the Minds, including many of Baod’s. It can’t be said that any star represents any one quality or mind, yet the minds saw themselves in these stars, and often identified with the features of one star or another, and cherished it, and made it theirs.