
Theogenesis: Notes - Coera

The Creation of Coera:

Once the war between Baod and the alliance of Zhen-Mehr and Sensihr and Chomar in high carnage, and many minds had been consumed or unminded to be re-created, Mehr devised a plan which Zhen-Mehr liked much. At this time Baod had begun using the dimension of energy to control the minds who were not as strong as he. Mehr sought more to calm the war than punish Baod, whom Mehr loved, and created the first matter – an explosion of stars that focused and bound the Energy in a tangible way. This surprised the minds at war, and for the most part, delighted them. (At this time, and forever after, neither Baod nor his followers were so selfish and self-obsessed that they had no good left in them, and could not delight in goodness.) But the war was not long forgotten, and Sensihr and Chomar surprised Baod’s general, Louen-Toosh, who was guarding Baod whilst he experimented for a way to use this new translation of energy against his enemies.

Baod was caught unprepared, and surprised by the gambit of Patar-Ori, who led a host of smaller, “negligible” minds in the siege of Baod. This siege drug on for a very long time, and seemed to come to an impass, where neither side could avance, and neither withdraw. It was at this time when Mehr acted again. He had never been completely out of conversation with Baod, even while Baod hid his designs from him, and even while Zhen-Mehr warred with Baod. Mehr and Baod had together explored matter more thoroughly, and it was Mehr’s turn to surprise Baod with what Mehr had been hiding. Mehr bound a great part of Baod, the part of his nature that was most selfless, but also the part most creative and productive, into the planet of Coera.

Baod was shocked and dismayed, and with this part of him so bound, he left it to the sieging army and fled in disgrace and defeat, Again Mehr acted, and re-minded the spirit of the planet into the mind of Coera, who is also called Ohida, Gohira, and other things. Baod has always been quite jealous of Coera, and feels she rightly belongs in him, or owes him obedience, as he thinks her his unintentional offspring. Patar-Ori, Zhen-Mehr, and others, though, know her to be a mind directly of Mehr, and as such a peer of Zhen-Mehr and the Pentiad, though the least among equals.

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