
The Evolution of Riel

Today I take you on a visual tour through the history of the Jack Riel character.

I think this is the first Jack Riel picture ever drawn(?) My guess it's from the summer of '93. It's about right for my drawing style then.

The next 3 are from early '94, and by this time, Riel's looks is pretty finalized, even though he still seems to be in some kind of mixed modern/fantasy setting. I can place these drawings pretty accurately, because I drew them while studying Cubism in high school art. :)

Here's Riel's first appearance in the proto-Coera story. This is a concept drawing for Riel as Deifyd's brother/teacher.

I never wanted to take Riel out of the modern setting, though - he was an extension of an adaptation of the Merlin story from The Once and Future King, in that he was a mentor who travelled back in time. Riel's own story was taking shape about this time - the second drawing will probably still fit as a reasonable illustration by the time the story is written.

While I was in Wales I really fleshed out Deivyd's story, but I didn't neglect Riel, either. Since I didn't have the above pictures with me, I redrew and colored the dinner date.

And this is current Riel, as of 2006. Not much change for 13 years! In fact, he may have gotten younger!

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