

Jonas' one-man agency (federally mandated, not federally funded) is called NCMI.

"What does that mean?"
"Numinal Contingency Management. It was originally Numinal Crises Management, but we thought "Crises" might draw too much attention to what was supposed to be a line item."
"Doesn't Numinal imply ghosts, too? And religion? Sounds like more than your 'tightly focussed' operation."
"Well, I figure it's no problem if we don't manage all of the Contingencies. Have you heard of a government agency that handles everything it's supposed to? But a broad brush-stroke there might keep another agency from sidling up too close to what I'm doing. I already have enough to worry about dealing with Lorelei and Emmett."
"So what does the "I" stand for?"
"You have an acronym in an acronym? I didn't know you could do that. ...What does that stand for."
"Independent Resource Bureau. It stands for Autonymous. As long as we managed the contingencies and keep the numinals quiet, nobody asks any questions."

(The Cause is Greater, book I)

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