
Riel and New Babylon

While Riel spends his five years at Duckworks, the political landscape changes. The Middle East declines to near third world status as oil joins coal as an out-of-favor fuel source, and OPEC can no longer control the price of a barrel. Oil drilling exploration is no longer cost efficient. There are some "Oasises" in Dubai, the UAE, etc., but for the most part the Middle East becomes more like Sudan and Ethiopia.

As Lilith's Get comes out from behind the puppeteer's screen and develop their own political force, largely allied with the governments of North America, who still use oil fuel, Lillith is able to control large parts of Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and the old USSR. She raises old Babylon (her old site of power) and even ressurects the hanging gardens. Babylon is enfused with a new life and culture, and it becomes the center of East-West commerce. Mecca is none too pleased, and the War of the Crescents drives Islam into the recesses of South East Asia, Indonesia, and Africa. Muslim and Jew become brothers as they unite against a new, common enemy.

Riel's final years at Duckworks, which involve live missions around the world, are largely oriented around the War of the Crescents as it flares through the Indian Sub-continent and South-East Asia.

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