
Riel's Pet Vampire (Jacqui)

After Jack breaks with Kathryn and learns that Melody is truly lost, he floats, lost, for a few weeks before falling in with Jonas. After earning Jonas' trust, he is shown the "business" - Silveray, the basements, the underground, and the apartments. At one of the apartments, they find Jacqueline, an unsuccessful starlet of Silveray, breaking her contract on the neck of one of her underground contracts.

("He wasn't very productive, anyway. You won't miss him, boss.")

After Jonas is done chastizing her, Riel makes a comment about the lack of supervision being the problem.

"Sounds like you have a new volunteer guardian, Jackie. Riel, you have a new pet." Jonas glanced over at Jacqui. "Or maybe the other way around."

For the next few months, Jacqui plays the role that Kathryn was supposed to - she escorts Riel into cliques, she watches his back, and she feeds him information. He, in return, provides the services he did for Kathryn - food. Unlike Kathryn, who kept the potency of his flesh a closely guarded (horded) secret, Jacqui is not so tight-lipped. She invites friends over for Jack-parties. She begins over-indulging, and like a drunk or an addict, becomes obsessed. She becomes obsessed, and careless, and before Jack and Jonas leave for Duckworks, she is killed in a retaliatory strike from vamps she helped to targed.

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