NeoCarnation: Table of Contents
I. A Diamond in Snow
II. Room at the Top
III. Monks in Space
- Gaia and the Brutes crash land on Chandier after being shot down by the Turnbull Red retrieval squad. They try to find a new ride off-planet. Meanwhile, Cormick etal gain the spotlight from a battle with Squishies. Gaia picks up COrmick at the Cantina, and Hires his group for a flight. She goes home with Cormick and brings up the Brutes afterward.
- Cormick takes Gaia to the Nymphaeum and turns over a Squishie invasion. Squishie ninjas overhear Gaia describing Darling and decide to take her. Turnbull spots Gaia with Cormick, and the gratuitous car chase ensues. They are chased out of the city, and Cormick's car is blown up. Gaia is killed, and they're all taken to the Squishie nest.
- Darling shows herself to Cormick, and is empregnated. Cormick is taken away and sentenced to death by arena. Gaia and the Brutes are technically killed and taken away as guinea pigs. The other snow boys come to rescue Cormick etal, and escape in a massive battle.
II. Room at the Top
- Uberinfiltrator hired to be cloned to invade Nympaeum.
- Infiltrator gains access to the Nymphaeum only to learn he's been drawn in.
- Infiltrator battles uberinfiltrator to recover the Darlings.
III. Monks in Space
- A congregation of holy men is called to witness the flight of the Boddhisatvas, only to learn of the return of the gods.